Oh-bla-di, oh-bla-da, life goes on

So, here we are. After all the fighting, protesting and general agitation, ideology has trumped evidence, justice and democracy. Cavell Primary and Nursery School is now The Edith Cavell Academy. We had one last protest yesterday morning but we’re not letting up the vigilance. If the new “sponsor” takes positive decisions and gives the kind of support to the school we’ve been assured they will, we will support them in turn. If, on the other hand, they create the kind of chaos unleashed on Stalham Junior since they took over there, we will challenge them, loudly and publicly. We sincerely hope that our fears will prove unjustified and that the school will continue to go from strength to strength, and I, like all the campaigners are very grateful for all the support we’ve received over what has been a very difficult six months – and a longer battle still for school staff and the Co-Op Trust. We are still trying to get to the bottom of what’s been done to our school, and very murky it is too. The truth will out eventually though and we’ll do our very best to bring those responsible to account.

Florist's card RIP Cavell

But this is a book blog really, despite recent appearances, and life goes on. I have still been reading, just lacking the energy to write about what I’ve read. I’ll try and rectify that with a round-up post, and I’ve got a few more reviews to publish shortly too.

About forwardtranslations

I'm a freelance literary translator from German and French to English. The title of my blog comes from Mary Schmich's description of reading: it struck home with me, and seems especially apt for translated fiction. Here are some of my musings on what I'm reading, re-reading, reading to my children, and translating.
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